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宏裕行 花枝蝦漿 150克/條 Cuttlefish and Shrimp Paste 150g/pack


宏裕行 花枝蝦漿 150克/條 Cuttlefish and Shrimp Paste 150g/pack


成份: 花枝、蝦仁、豬背脂油(台灣)、樹薯澱粉、糖、L-麩酸鈉、鹽、胡椒、磷酸鹽(多磷酸鈉、焦磷酸鈉、偏磷酸鉀)

食用方式: 置於冷藏7℃以下解凍3~4小時,水滾後煮約3分鐘即可。


Product: Cuttlefish and Shrimp Paste

Content:, Cuttlefish, Shrimp, Lard (Taiwan), Tapioca Starch, Sugar, Monosodium L-Glutamate, Salt, Pepper, Phosphate

Expiration Date: Per Package

Cooking Method: Defrost in chiller for 3~4 hours, cook in boiling water for 3 minutes.

WARNING: This product contains cephalopods, crustaceans, etc. and their products, and is not suitable for people with allergies.

※This product’s production process factory, its equipment or production line has processing fish, milk, eggs, sesame, etc. and its products, please pay attention to those who are allergic to it.

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SKU: HYH-0022 Category:



宏裕行 花枝蝦漿 150克/條 Cuttlefish and Shrimp Paste 150g/pack


成份: 花枝、蝦仁、豬背脂油(台灣)、樹薯澱粉、糖、L-麩酸鈉、鹽、胡椒、磷酸鹽(多磷酸鈉、焦磷酸鈉、偏磷酸鉀)

食用方式: 置於冷藏7℃以下解凍3~4小時,水滾後煮約3分鐘即可。


Product: Cuttlefish and Shrimp Paste

Content:, Cuttlefish, Shrimp, Lard (Taiwan), Tapioca Starch, Sugar, Monosodium L-Glutamate, Salt, Pepper, Phosphate

Expiration Date: Per Package

Cooking Method: Defrost in chiller for 3~4 hours, cook in boiling water for 3 minutes.

WARNING: This product contains cephalopods, crustaceans, etc. and their products, and is not suitable for people with allergies.

※This product’s production process factory, its equipment or production line has processing fish, milk, eggs, sesame, etc. and its products, please pay attention to those who are allergic to it.