宏裕行 月亮花枝蝦餅 200克 Cuttlefish Shrimp Pancake 200g


宏裕行 月亮花枝蝦餅 200克 Fried Shrimp Cake 200g

使用高檔蝦仁搭配澎湖花枝,在以不同手法呈現,創造出最具有異國風味產品。外皮利用糯米紙包覆住,使酥脆感較為顯著,內餡搭配鮮甜花枝和鮮脆蝦仁,口感香脆,清爽   不油膩。




食用方法: 無需解凍,中火油煎至雙面金黃色即可。

Product: Cuttlefish Shrimp Pancake

Content: Cuttlefish, shrimp, Lard (Taiwan), Spring Roll Skin (Flour, salt, water), Tapioca Starch, Sugar, Monosodium L-Glutamate, Salt, Pepper, Phosphate

Expiration Date: Per Package

Cooking Method: Pan fry until golden on both sides

WARNING: This product contains cephalopods, crustaceans, gluten, etc. and their products, and is not suitable for people with allergies.

※This product’s production process factory, its equipment or production line has processing fish, milk, eggs, sesame, etc. and its products, please pay attention to those who are allergic to it.

Target Delivery Date2024-09-28

41 in stock



宏裕行 月亮花枝蝦餅 200克 Fried Shrimp Cake 200g

使用高檔蝦仁搭配澎湖花枝,在以不同手法呈現,創造出最具有異國風味產品。外皮利用糯米紙包覆住,使酥脆感較為顯著,內餡搭配鮮甜花枝和鮮脆蝦仁,口感香脆,清爽   不油膩。




食用方法: 無需解凍,中火油煎至雙面金黃色即可。

Product: Cuttlefish Shrimp Pancake

Content: Cuttlefish, shrimp, Lard (Taiwan), Spring Roll Skin (Flour, salt, water), Tapioca Starch, Sugar, Monosodium L-Glutamate, Salt, Pepper, Phosphate

Expiration Date: Per Package

Cooking Method: Pan fry until golden on both sides

WARNING: This product contains cephalopods, crustaceans, gluten, etc. and their products, and is not suitable for people with allergies.

※This product’s production process factory, its equipment or production line has processing fish, milk, eggs, sesame, etc. and its products, please pay attention to those who are allergic to it.


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