宏裕行 飛魚卵花枝香腸 300克 Flying Fish Roe Cuttlefish Sausage 300g


宏裕行 飛魚卵花枝香腸 300克 Flying Fish Roe Cuttlefish Sausage 300g

頂級新鮮澎湖花枝搭配精選飛魚卵,再加入特選的黑胡椒,貼心的老闆特製了無添加墨汁的飛魚卵花枝香腸,一口咬下鮮甜飛魚卵卡滋卡滋的口感,大人小孩都喜歡,宏裕行堅持貼   心對待每位顧客。





Product: Flying Fish Roe Cuttlefish Sausage

Content: Cuttlefish, Flying Fish Roe, Tapioca Starch, Lard (Taiwan), Sugar, Monosodium L-Glutamate, Natural pork casings, Pepper, Salt, Phosphate

Expiration Date: Per Package

Cooking Method: Defrost in chiller for 4~5 hours, grill or bake in 150℃ for 15 minutes

WARNING: This product contains cephalopods, fish, etc. and their products, and is not suitable for people with allergies.

※This product’s production process factory, its equipment or production line has processing fish, milk, eggs, sesame, etc. and its products, please pay attention to those who are allergic to it.

Target Delivery Date2024-09-28

11 in stock



宏裕行 飛魚卵花枝香腸 300克 Flying Fish Roe Cuttlefish Sausage 300g

頂級新鮮澎湖花枝搭配精選飛魚卵,再加入特選的黑胡椒,貼心的老闆特製了無添加墨汁的飛魚卵花枝香腸,一口咬下鮮甜飛魚卵卡滋卡滋的口感,大人小孩都喜歡,宏裕行堅持貼   心對待每位顧客。





Product: Flying Fish Roe Cuttlefish Sausage

Content: Cuttlefish, Flying Fish Roe, Tapioca Starch, Lard (Taiwan), Sugar, Monosodium L-Glutamate, Natural pork casings, Pepper, Salt, Phosphate

Expiration Date: Per Package

Cooking Method: Defrost in chiller for 4~5 hours, grill or bake in 150℃ for 15 minutes

WARNING: This product contains cephalopods, fish, etc. and their products, and is not suitable for people with allergies.

※This product’s production process factory, its equipment or production line has processing fish, milk, eggs, sesame, etc. and its products, please pay attention to those who are allergic to it.


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